Quantum.Tech USA 2025

April 14 - Cryptography Spotlight Day | April 15-16 - Main Conference and Expo

Conrad Hotel, Washington D.C.


Episode 1: Manfred Rieck, Deutsche Bahn

Episode 1: Manfred Rieck, Deutsche Bahn

The premiere episode of Qubit Confidential is live!

I spoke with Manfred Rieck, Deutsche Bahn's Vice President of Individual Solution Development. We discussed how they optimize train routes and schedules using a hybrid approach combining quantum and high-performance computing.

Manfred started as a computer scientist and, some years ago, led large parts of Deutsche Bahn's software development.

Episode 2: Philip Intallura - Innovative quantum solutions for financial services

Episode 2: Philip Intallura - Innovative quantum solutions for financial services

The next episode of Qubit Confidental is live!

I spoke with Philip Intallura, Group Head of Quantum Technologies at HSBC. He highlighted HSBC's strategic investment in quantum, emphasizing its dual impact: generating a projected $2 trillion in value by 2035 as well as the need to manage the threat to current encryption protocols posed by quantum computers.

Episode 3: Saif Al-Kuwari - Quantum innovation in Qatar

Episode 3: Saif Al-Kuwari - Quantum innovation in Qatar

The third episode of Qubit Confidential is live!

Dr. Saif Al-Kuwari, Associate Professor at Hamad Bin Khalifa University and Director of the Qatar Center for Quantum Computing, discussed efforts to foster collaboration between academia, industry, and government as well as ongoing projects in quantum key distribution (QKD) and post-quantum cryptography (PQC). We also talked about the overall challenges of developing quantum technologies in the larger context of supporting innovation.

EP4: Zulfi Alam, from Xbox to HoloLens to quantum

EP4: Zulfi Alam, from Xbox to HoloLens to quantum

Episode 4 of Qubit Confidential is live!

Zulfi Alam, Corporate Vice President of Quantum at Microsoft, has been involved for many years with innovative technology that wants to be a product - from Xbox to HoloLens to quantum.

Microsoft has supported a quantum program for 17 straight years making it the longest running program in the company's history! They are comfortable within their own vertical, and also love collaborating and building platforms that span across multiple partners.

EP5: Steve Suarez, from HSBC to CEO of HorizonX

EP5: Steve Suarez, from HSBC to CEO of HorizonX

Episode 5 of Qubit Confidential is live!

Christopher Bishop interviews Steve Suarez, CEO of HorizonX, about his journey in the quantum technology field starting at HSBC and his current role leading HorizonX. As Global Head of Innovation at HSBC, Steve explored quantum computing, taking courses at MIT. He has now co-designed a course for MIT to educate executives about quantum technology and its strategic implementation! Steve’s objective as CEO at HorizonX is to advise companies on real-world applications of quantum technology.